It's easy just register for Free and choose how to be notified (or not at all), select specific merchants or vendors, categories, geographic areas or a combination of criteria to Follow or Create an Alert. Now, once a merchant or vendor posts a sale or discount in one of your included alert zones you will be notified! Oh, and by the way, we want to respect your privacy we will never sell your personal data to third parties!
Follow Restaurants or be more specific. Follow Restaurants in Glendale, California only.
Create a Follow notification for a specific merchant or vendor below.
You will see a Follow button or a Create Alert button when either action is available within the current context of the page being displayed.
Notice that you can Ceate an Alert notification for a specific category in a specific city like, Restaurants / in California / in the city of Glendale.

You can change your Notification settings whenever you wish and if you choose, discontinue notifications all together. When you are ready to resume it's a simple change to start receiving Notifications again!